REMODEL - Multiple Sclerosis

A randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, parallel-group study, comparing the efficacy and safety of remibrutinib versus teriflunomide in participants with relapsing multiple sclerosis, followed by extended treatment with open-label remibrutinib.

Principal Investor: Clifford Reed, MD

Sponsor: Novartis

Learn more about the REMODEL - Multiple Sclerosis trial or call the Clinical Trials Office at 484-628-8585 for more information.

EMD – Multiple Sclerosis AGING Study

A multi-center, observational study to characterize the clinical course in a real world, US cohort of patients with relapsing Multiple Sclerosis of advanced age (> 50 years) treated with Cladribine tablets (AGING Study).

Principal Investigator: Clifford Reed, MD

Sponsor: EMD Serono

To learn more about the trial, call the Clinical Trials Office at 484-628-8585.