RAD 101: Patient Care I
This course prepares the student for practical experience in the clinical setting. Includes communication skills, body mechanics, basic infection control, vital signs, routine, and emergency patient care procedures will be described. The role of the radiographer will be identified. (3 credits)
- Prerequisite - Admission into the School of Radiologic Technology
- Co-requisite - RAD 102, 103, 104, 106
RAD 102: Image Production I
The student will learn about all the parts that make up the x-ray tube and their function. Target interactions will be discussed. The student will also learn about the x-ray imaging console interactions with matter. (3 credits)
- Prerequisite - Admission into the School of Radiologic Technology
- Co-requisite - RAD 101, 103, 104, 106
RAD 103: Radiographic Procedures I
Offers a thorough presentation of positioning nomenclature, body planes, and anatomic terms, and then proceeds to positioning principles for routine chests, abdominal studies, and upper extremities to include shoulder girdle. All theoretical concepts are presented in correlation with radiographic images. Cross-sectional anatomy will also be introduced. (3 credits)
- Prerequisite - Admission into the School of Radiologic Technology
- Co-requisite - RAD 101, 102, 104, 106
RAD 104: Medical Terminology
Presented during orientation, content is designed to introduce the origins of medical terminology. A word building system is introduced and abbreviation and symbols are discussed. This course will familiarize the student with the technical, medical, and pathological terms pertinent to the medical profession and diagnostic imaging. (3 credits)
- Prerequisite - Admission to the School of Radiologic Technology
- Co-requisite - RAD 101, 102, 103, 106
RAD 106: Clinical Practicum I
The student under direct supervision from a staff technologist or clinical instructor begins observing radiographic examinations. The student participates in a limited fashion commensurate with their knowledge level. Students must complete at least four radiographic competency examinations to meet the minimum course requirements. (3 credits)
- Prerequisite - Admission to the Radiologic Technology
- Co-requisite - RAD 101, 102, 103, 104
RAD 107: Patient Care II
This course is a continuation of Patient Care I with emphasis on contrast media, venipuncture and pharmacology, drug monitoring, and administration. Direct patient care methods will be learned, individuals will be able to handle physical, emotional, and psychological demands with compassion, professionalism, accuracy, and discernment. (3 credits)
- Prerequisite - RAD 101
- Co-requisite - RAD 108, 109, 110, 111
RAD 108: Radiation Safety I (Online)
This course is designed to present the basic principles of radiation physics which include atomic structure, electricity, magnetism, and electromagnetism. The imaging system, including x-ray tube, the generator, and motors are presented, as well as x-ray production and its interaction with matter. (3 credits)
- Prerequisite – College Math
- Co-requisite - RAD 107, 109, 110, 111
RAD 109: Radiographic Procedures II
This course is a continuation of Procedures I with major emphasis on lower extremities, pelvic girdle, and vertebral column, including the cervical and thoracic spine. Application of relevant technical factors and protection measures are included. Cross-sectional anatomy will also be introduced. (3 credits)
- Prerequisite - RAD 103, 104, 106
- Co-requisite - RAD 107, 108, 110, 111
RAD 110: Image Production II
Continuation of Image Production I. The student will be able to understand how to manipulate technical factors, AEC, and control scatter radiation. The student will explain or identify how to set the proper technical factors depending on the patient's size, different pathologies, and when a grid is needed. Quality factors will also be introduced. (3 credits)
- Prerequisite - RAD 101, 102, 103, 104, 106
- Co-requisite - RAD 107, 108, 110, 111
RAD 111: Clinical Practicum II
Under direct supervision from a staff technologist or clinical instructor, the student should actively perform those examinations where competency has been successfully demonstrated during Clinical Education I and Continue to practice preparing for competency on remaining examinations studied during Radiographic Procedures I and II. (3 credits)
- Prerequisite - RAD 103, 106
- Co-requisite - RAD 107, 108, 110
RAD 115: Advanced Imaging
This course provides basic principles of cross-sectional anatomy, image acquisition, CT and MRI safety, protection, and image processing. Basic understanding of spiral –helical and multi-slice spiral – helical, artifacts is discussed. (2 credits)
- Prerequisite - RAD 106, 111
- Co-requisite - RAD 116, 201, 203, 211
RAD 116: Clinical Practicum III
A continuation of Clinical Practicum II, the students continue to apply classroom and laboratory knowledge and experiences to the clinical environment. Practical application of all routine procedures, with patients continues. Competency grading continues. Elective assignments and CT assignments may begin. (4 credits)
- Prerequisite - RAD 106, 111
- Co-requisite - RAD 115, 201, 203, 211
RAD 201: Radiographic Procedures III
The student will learn about the lumbar spine and bony thorax. Contrast and fluoroscopy studies, including the urinary system will also be covered. Cross-sectional anatomy will be introduced. (3 credits)
- Prerequisite - RAD 103, 109
- Co-requisite - RAD 115, 116, 203
RAD 202: Radiation Safety II (Online)
A course designed to discuss and explore various biologic effects of ionizing radiation. Causes and considerations of cellular and organism damage and repair will be surveyed and discussed. Protection for patients, their family, technologists, and the staff are studied. The ALARA concept will be explained and explored. Units of exposure absorbed dose and dose equivalent will be reinforced. Also, the biologic effects of ionizing radiation, cellar and organism damage and repair are discussed. (3 credits)
- Prerequisite – RAD 108
- Co-requisite - RAD 205, 206, 211
RAD 203: Image Production III
The student will identify and learn the concepts of digital imaging, including image receptors and artifacts. The student will also learn about quality assurance testing. (3 credits)
- Prerequisite - RAD 102, 110
- Co-requisite - RAD 115, 116, 201
RAD 205: Clinical Practicum IV
Continuation of Clinical Practicum III emphasis is shifted to indirect supervision relative to areas of define competency. The student continues to gain mastery in all other areas under direct supervision. Competency evaluations continue. (4 credits)
- Prerequisite - RAD 106, 111, 116
- Co-requisite - RAD 202, 206, 211
RAD 206: Radiographic Procedures IV
This course will provide the student with the knowledge to identify all radiographic cranial and facial anatomy and the skills necessary to perform standard radiographic procedures of the cranial and facial bones, including sinuses. Cross-sectional anatomy will also be introduced. (3 credits)
- Prerequisite - RAD 103, 109, 201
- Co-requisite - RAD 202, 205, 211
RAD 207: Radiographic Image Analysis
This course introduces the student to the fundamentals of evaluating and critiquing a radiographic image. The students will use what they learned in previous Image Production courses. Students will study the criteria for image evaluation and be able to critique radiographic images and decide if the image is satisfactory or needs to be repeated. (3 credits)
- Prerequisite - RAD 102, 110, 203
- Co-requisite - RAD 208, 210, 212
RAD 208: Radiation Safety III (Online)
This course provides a comprehensive overview of radiation protection principles, practices, and regulations. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to understand radiation principles, implement safety standards and utilize protective measures. (3 credits)
- Prerequisite – RAD 108, 202
- Co-requisite – RAD 207, 210, 212
RAD 210: Registry Review I
This course will review all previously taught material. This material will prepare the student for success in Registry Review II. (3 credits)
- Prerequisite - all didactic courses, excluding co-requisite.
- Co-requisite – RAD 207, 208, 212
RAD 211: Pathology
This course will focus on radiographically important disease processes affecting the skeletal, renal, digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, and neurological systems. Traumatic injury to the skeletal system will be emphasized. (3 credits)
- Prerequisite - RAD 103, 109, 201
- Co-requisite - RAD 202, 205, 206
RAD 212: Clinical Practicum V
Continuation of Clinical Practicum IV with emphasis on mandatory and elective requirements of the A.R.R.T. Competency evaluations continues. (4 credits)
- Prerequisite – RAD 205
- Co-requisite – RAD 207, 208, 210
RAD 213: Registry Review II
Mock examinations and review lectures will be presented. The student will be evaluated on their examination performance. This is a mandatory course. A series of mock examinations will be given to prepare the student for the ARRT radiography exam. (4 credits)
- Prerequisite - all didactic courses, excluding co-requisite.
- Co-requisite – RAD 214
RAD 214: Clinical Practicum VI
A continuation of Clinical Practicum V with major emphasis on the measurement of terminal competencies. (2.5 credits)
- Prerequisite - RAD 106, 111, 116, 205, 212
- Co-requisites – RAD 213