Foot and ankle injuries, deformities, or disease-related complications — such as a diabetic ulcer — cause pain and keep you off your feet. Our podiatrists are foot and ankle experts who work as a team with other specialists to deliver complete care. We offer the latest approaches and personal attention — right here in Southeastern Pennsylvania.

We get you moving again.

Our podiatrists specialize in diagnosing and treating foot and ankle conditions. We uncover the cause of pain and problems and find a treatment that meets your unique needs. We get you back on your feet again.

Foot and ankle conditions can be routine — such as toenail problems, bunions, or calluses — and other times they’re more complex like diabetic foot sores, Achilles tendonitis, and ligament and tendon tears. When pain or other symptoms make it hard to move around, we’re here to help.

We treat a full range of foot and ankle conditions, including:

  • Arthritis. We provide expert arthritis care when pain, swelling, and stiffness take a toll on your foot and ankle joints.
  • Calluses and corns. These thick, hardened skin layers can reduce blood flow to the feet — particularly in people with diabetes or circulation problems. We treat calluses and corns right away before they cause problems.
  • Diabetic foot problems. Our experts specialize in treating conditions in the lower legs and feet related to diabetes, including diabetic ulcers and nerve damage.
  • Foot deformities. We treat a full range of structural problems in the feet, including hammertoes, bunions, flat feet, and other conditions.
  • Fractures, sprains, and strains. Our specialists treat both common and complex bone, muscle, tendon, and ligament injuries and offer education to prevent them.
  • Heel problems. We offer expert care for conditions that cause heel pain, such as overpronation and plantar fasciitis. We use noninvasive and minimally invasive approaches to personalize treatment and give you relief.
  • Nerve problems. Our experts specialize in diagnosing and treating nerve injuries, such as Morton's neuroma and peripheral neuropathy. Our podiatrists work with rehabilitation therapists to give you complete care.
  • Plantar warts. If warts don’t go away with over-the-counter treatments, we use cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen) and medicines to treat them and prevent them from spreading.
  • Toenail disorders. We offer fast, expert treatment for ingrown toenails, fungal infections, and other nail disorders to keep your feet healthy.

Nonsurgical Podiatry Care 

Most foot and ankle conditions heal with nonsurgical treatment. We draw from a variety of approaches that let you walk without pain as quickly as possible. You get personal attention and a treatment plan that’s designed just for you.

Your treatment may include:

  • Medicine. Some prescription and over-the-counter medicines can treat infections and help control arthritis-related foot and ankle pain and swelling pain.
  • Orthotics, braces and casts. These medical devices help relieve foot pressure, position bones and soft tissue during healing, and provide support for walking.
  • Orthopedic rehabilitation. Our physical therapists develop a personalized plan to reduce pain and stiffness, improve muscle strength, and increase range of motion.
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. We use this treatment to treat tendonitis (tendon swelling or irritation). We remove platelets from your blood, which promote healing, to create a concentrated platelet-rich plasma solution. We inject it into the damaged area to speed recovery.
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. For slow or nonhealing wounds, hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases the oxygen in your blood (using a pressurized chamber) to fight infection and let your wound heal faster.

Foot and Ankle Surgery 

When nonsurgical methods don’t relieve symptoms, our podiatrists offer the latest surgical approaches — including minimally invasive surgery, which lets you recover faster. We discuss all your options with you and help you decide what’s right for you.

Our skilled podiatrists offer:

  • Bunion surgery. A bunion is a bump on the joint at the base of your big toe. We design a treatment plan — based on how severe the bunion is and how much the joint has shifted.
  • Fusion surgery. For severe ankle pain and swelling, ankle fusion surgery can offer relief. We remove the cartilage from the joint and join the bones together to keep them from moving.
  • Plantar fasciotomy. We use this approach to treat chronic plantar fasciitis, caused by tearing and irritation of the connective tissue (plantar fascia) along the bottom of your foot. This procedure removes the damaged areas to relieve pain.
  • Osteotomy for hammertoes. When noninvasive approaches can’t correct a hammertoe (an abnormal bend in the toe joint), we can remove a portion of a bone in the toe to realign the joint. Sometimes, we place a temporary wire to hold the toe straight.
  • Tendon repair. We use advanced approaches to repair injured tendons, including using tendons from another area of your body to restore foot and ankle function.
  • Ligament repair. For patients with chronic ankle instability, we offer lateral ankle ligament repair.
  • Joint replacement and arthrodesis. We can provide total ankle replacement for ankle arthritis or chronic pain and instability. We remove the damaged parts of the ankle and replace them with an artificial joint made of metal or plastic.