Mom’s Quick Thinking and a Team's Expert Care Save Jared’s Life
For kids, it wouldn’t be Halloween without trick-or-treating in fun costumes with friends — with the goal to gather a bagful of sweet treats. Life-threatening accidents aren’t part of the plan, but that’s exactly what happened to Jared. In his costume, his mom was excited to take him to his friend’s house so they could trick-or-treat together. Arriving at the house, Jared went inside. Mom waited outside.
A Candle Sets Halloween Costume on Fire
No sooner had Jared walked inside his friend’s house, his mom saw someone on fire running out the front door. It was her son, engulfed in flames on his friend’s front lawn. It was the last thing she expected to see.
She immediately pushed Jared to the ground and rolled him over and over until the flames were out. Jared had accidentally brushed by a small jack-o-lantern-shaped candle, and it set his costume on fire.
Parents called 911 and the EMTs quickly arrived. The team transported Jared to the Burn Center at St. Christopher's Hospital, the region's only dedicated, verified pediatric burn center. He had second- and third-degree burns on 35% of his body.
A Team-Focused Approach Gets Jared Back Home
While at the hospital, Jared underwent multiple surgeries and blood transfusions. His injuries were life-threatening. During the long recovery at the hospital, Jared also received occupational therapy from the physical therapy team. Mental health specialists also worked with Jared to support his emotional needs. The teams focused on nurturing and guiding Jared back to health — and back to his family and his childhood.
Jared’s motivation and positive outlook helped him throughout his long recovery. He was able to return home after 26 days in the hospital — sooner than expected. Jared’s resilience and amazing strength is a shining example to his family.