We offer different tracks to help you meet your professional and educational goals. Both tracks meet requirements for accrediting bodies, state licensure, and board certification for allopathic and osteopathic residents.
The traditional track provides scheduled core rotations and elective time to prepare you for you a career in hospitalist medicine, fellowship training, ambulatory internal medicine, and other career destinations. We ensure you will get training in quality improvement, patient safety, medical subspecialties, and intensive care. You will have the opportunity for away rotations and research blocks to meet your goals.
The primary care track is designed for residents who are pursuing careers in primary care, general internal medicine, or even subspecialties that are primarily ambulatory-based. Reading Hospital is one of a select few Internal Medicine programs to offer a primary care track, which stands out as a unique training opportunity. The primary care track offers additional ambulatory training, including specific training in musculoskeletal medicine, dermatology and psychiatry. Primary care track residents also have opportunities for away rotations and research time.
The Osteopathic Recognition Track is for graduates of COCA-Accredited DO residents and for select, interested graduates of LCME-accredited MD/MBBS residents (who meet certain criteria). Designated Osteopathic Residents will participate fully in the categorical or primary care track as their primary curriculum pathway.
Please take a moment to explore these pages to learn more about the Traditional Track and the Primary Care Track. For more information on the Osteopathic Recognition track visit here.